Join Pete Meier in this Tech Tips Video from Snap-on! In this video, Pete discusses diagnosing gasoline drivability issues and how these issues begin with the 4 foundational pillars – the engine’s ability to seal and compress, its ability to breathe (its volumetric efficiency), its ability to provide a strong spark at the right time and finally, its ability to deliver the required amount of fuel.
In this video, Pete explains how the new Snap-on Zeus+ makes testing the seal and compression easier and requires less effort. The compression test can easily be done with the scope module incorporated in the Zeus+.
Watch how performing tests, such as the in-cylinder pressure test, which locates the source of sealing/compression issues and breathing issues, are made easier with the Snap-on Zeus+. This tool provides a wealth of information like verifying cam timing, proper valve opening and closing events, leaking intake or exhaust valves, and more! To learn more, click here!