Contribute content to the Vehicle Repair Group

Help us help you get your brand in front of readers. The Vehicle Repair Group accepts contributed content for many of our brands including Professional Tool & Equipment News (PTEN), Motor Age, Professional Distributor, Auto Body Repair Network (ABRN), and our website,

Contributed content should be technical- or management-oriented and of interest to our audience, including technicians, shop owners (both automotive and collision shops), and mobile tool distributors. 

Our readers are looking for information on how to solve problems, improve their skills, run their businesses, and learn about the latest technology, tools, and equipment in the automotive industry.

Contributed content should be about the what, how, and why rather than a product pitch. It should be as generic as possible although products can be mentioned as examples when describing a technology or solution.

There is no charge for having the content posted.

Getting started

Below is a list of the types of content you are able to submit for each brand. To submit the content, contact your sales representative or send an email to  

PTEN print opportunities 

Product Releases 

Send a brief 75-100 word product description and high-resolution image (at least 300dpi and 5" x 7"). They can be run in print, online, and in eNewsletters. In print, we have two sections entirely dedicated to tools -- New Products and Category Spotlight.

  • New Products features new tools and equipment on the market. View an example here
  • Category Spotlight features newer tools with a specific category such as Battery Service & Electrical Work tools and equipment. (See editorial calendar for the monthly topic.) View an example here

Diagnostic Tech 

This regular column by Scott Brown reveals how to diagnose a problem and complete the repair. Submit a relevant product for the "related products" section. The column is also included in Professional Distributor. (See editorial calendar for the monthly topic.) 

View an example here.

Tool Briefing 

This regular column examines the tools and equipment used on a specific repair. Submit a relevant product for the "related tools" section. (See editorial calendar for the monthly topic.) 

View an example here

Tool Review 

Supply a tool for technician review and feedback. For large equipment or diagnostics, you may send us the contact information of a recommended user.  

View an example here

Motor Age print opportunities 

Product Releases 

Send a brief 100-word product description and high-resolution image (at least 300dpi and 5" x 7"). They can be run in print, online, and in eNewsletters.

View an example here

Operations Article 

Contribute a 1,200-2,000 word article that offers business solutions and/or best practices to shop owners and technicians. 

View an example here

Professional Distributor print opportunities 

Product Releases

Send a brief 75-100 word product description and high-resolution image (at least 300dpi and 5" x 7"). They can be run in print, online, and in eNewsletters. In print, we have two sections entirely dedicated to tools -- Sneak Peek and Driving Sales. 

  • Sneak Peek features new tools and equipment on the market. View an example here
  • Driving Sales features newer tools with a specific category such as Battery Service & Electrical Work tools and equipment. (See editorial calendar for the monthly topic.) View an example here

Diagnostic Tech 

This regular column by Scott Brown reveals how to diagnose a problem and complete the repair. Submit a relevant product for the "related products" section. The column is also included in Professional Distributor. (See editorial calendar for the monthly topic.) 

View an example here.

In Focus

Submit in-depth information about a tool or equipment to help mobile tool distributors better understand what they are selling and make the sale. This up-close look at a single product provides mobile dealers with targeted features and sales information for your tool or equipment. 

View an example here

ABRN print opportunities 

Product Releases 

Send a brief 100-word product description and high-resolution image (at least 300dpi and 5" x 7"). They can be run in print, online, and in eNewsletters.

View an example here

Technical Article 

Contribute a 1,200-2,000 word article that offers technical training and information to help improve technician skills and knowledge. 

View an example here.  

Operations Article 

Contribute a 1,200-2,000 word article that offers business solutions and/or best practices to shop owners and technicians. 

View an example here

Digital opportunities 


Give the industry perspective as a guest blogger on this weekly updated section of the website.

View an example here.

Product Releases 

Send a brief 75-100 word product description and high-resolution image (at least 300dpi and 5" x 7"). 

View an example here

Tech Tips

Don't feel like writing a long-winded blog? Submit a short Tech Tip that gets right to the point! Offer a tip on completing a difficult repair, how to properly use a type of tool, safety tips for certain equipment, insider tips on upcoming technologies, and more. 

View an example here.

Video Demos 

Product video demos are re-purposed on and featured in eNewsletters. All we need is the YouTube link for your video.

View an example here

Press Releases and Research

Submit a press release with a photo (if available) or any original research from your company to be considered for editorial coverage. 

View an example here