OnDemand Training

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Collision Repair

Polyvance reduces pricing for online training courses

July 26, 2023
Polyvance hopes the reduction in price for the PR-03 Headlight Repair Course and the EPR-01 Estimating Plastic Repair Course will allow more people to gain valuable knowledge ...
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Paint & Refinish

Cutting time, costs with virtual on-demand refinish training

Sept. 8, 2022
How online learning helps shops make the most of training dollars
OnDemand Training

SEMA launches online education library for automotive professionals

The Virtual Education Portal includes a comprehensive collection of educational webinars and resources targeted to the automotive aftermarket.
Athena Hinkle Alexander, regional trainer for Miller Electric
Athena Hinkle Alexander, regional trainer for Miller Electric
Athena Hinkle Alexander, regional trainer for Miller Electric
Athena Hinkle Alexander, regional trainer for Miller Electric
Athena Hinkle Alexander, regional trainer for Miller Electric
Industry News

More than 1,000 attend ASE Instructors Training Conference

Virtual conference featured dozens of relevant training sessions
OnDemand Training

MAHLE adds three-part training series to MAHLE Video Warehouse

March 31, 2021
MAHLE Aftermarket Inc. recently added a three-part instructional video series to the MAHLE Aftermarket Video Warehouse, an online platform featuring hundreds of training and other...
Photo from OPUS | IVS
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Webinar: Improving your diagnostic efficiency

Jan. 26, 2021
Typically, most of your time is lost during diagnosis, which is why on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2021 at 7:00pm EST we’re gathering three leading technical experts to show you how to...
Service Repair

New PWR STEER instructional videos deliver latest training on power steering systems service and repair

PWR STEER Motion Control Systems has launched a new series of videos on proper servicing, installation, and repair of power steering systems.
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OnDemand Training

Lead conversion: Master the game

Dec. 21, 2020
It’s time you put forth a winning attitude and conquer the competition to obtain customers. Jeremy O’Neal’s Lead Conversion – Master the Game is the roadmap to winning that race...
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OnDemand Training

Developing and implementing SOPs

Dec. 21, 2020
Your shop operates more efficiently and can make more money when everything follows the same process. Creating standard operating procedures is the key. This webinar is the starting...
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OnDemand Training

Decode the new auto repair consumer mind

Dec. 21, 2020
For years we have made our sales presentations either in person or via the telephone. The shift to a Digital Sales Presentation is taking shape.
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OnDemand Training

Building a meaningful and productive apprentice program

Dec. 21, 2020
Keith Manich with ATI can help you get a head start on a new 2020 approach with Building a Meaningful and Productive Apprentice Program, debuting exclusively through ABRN.
OnDemand Training

Beyond no: Service advisor sales skills for moving beyond the first no and creating a yes

Dec. 21, 2020
Understanding the psychology of your customer and what makes them buy is the foundation of a successful sales plan. In this webinar, you will learn how to remove sales objections...
OnDemand Training

Advanced closing skills

Dec. 21, 2020
Jeremy O'Neal's new webinar Advanced Closing Skills for Selling Complex Diagnostic Service Solutions goes beyond just time service writers need to properly do their jobs.
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The Trainer

The Trainer Isolates Key-off Battery Drain Causes

Dec. 18, 2020
Draw on this best practice to solve parasitic draw problems.