The ASE A7 Heating and A/C study guide book and practice test by Motor Age Training provides technicians the knowledge, and know how to successfully take and pass the ASE certification exam. Our ASE A7 test prep book includes the ASE certification task list for the car and light truck Heating and A/C systems certification exam. The task list outlines the topics technicians will be tested on during the exam.
In addition to the easy-to-read text, this study guide contains dozens of detailed illustrations for reference to real life applications. You’ll also find it to be a handy, quick reference tool when troubleshooting Heating and A/C systems after you've successfully taken the ASE certification exam.
The topics covered in this edition of the ASE Study Guide are:
- A/C System Service, Diagnosis and Repair
- Refrigeration System Component Diagnosis and Repair
- Heating and Engine Cooling Systems Diagnosis and Repair
- Operating Systems And Related Controls Diagnosis and Repair
Publication Date: February 2016
Book Type: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 978-1-934855-64-5
Pages : 98 (including task list, glossary, practice test)
Buy your guide here.