ASE Test Prep - A1-A9 Car and Light Truck Certification study guide set

Dec. 16, 2020
This set provides the knowledge necessary for technicians to successfully prepare for and pass all 9 ASE certification exams.
A1 A9 Lc
A1 A9 Lc
A1 A9 Lc
A1 A9 Lc
A1 A9 Lc

ASE Study Guides - A1-A9 

All titles are the most recent published versions
The most recent Motor Age Training ASE Study Guides for the A-series. This set provides the knowledge necessary for technicians to successfully prepare for and pass all 9 ASE certification exams. Each study guide provides detailed information on the required Car & Light Truck topics, including an exam task list of topics required to obtain your ASE certification. The Motor Age Training Study Guides are easy-to-read with detailed illustrations and real-life examples. The Study Guides also contain ASE practice test questions, written in the style of the ASE exam, as well as answers explaining why a particular answer is correct. This package includes the entire Car & Light Truck series (Set of all 9 books):

  • (A1) Engine Repair
  • (A2) Automatic Transmission
  • (A3) Manual Drive train
  • (A4) Steering & Suspension
  • (A5) Brakes
  • (A6) Electronic/Electrical Systems
  • (A7) Heating & A/C
  • (A8) Engine Performance
  • (A9) Light Vehicle Diesel Engines

As a testament to the confidence we have in the quality of our study guides, we offer a pass or don't pay money-back guarantee. If you don't pass your ASE test within 90 days after purchasing one of our corresponding study guides, send us a copy of your test results and book receipt, and we'll refund the entire cost of the study guide - less shipping & handling.

Publication Date: All publication dates are the most recent

Buy your study guides here.

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